
Wednesday 16 November 2011

The Liebster Blog award

Liz Crump, a fellow member of The Romantic Novelist's Association's New Writer's Scheme kindly nominated my blog for The Liebster Blog award yesterday. This is what she wrote when she chose my blog:

Anita Chapman for writerly advice and thoughts that make me think outside of my own little writing box!

Thank you so much Liz!

In accepting the Liebster Blog Award, the recipient agrees to:
-Thank the person who gave them the award and link back to that person's blog
-Copy and paste the award to their blog
-Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award, commenting on their blog to break the news
-Hope the writers of these blogs accept and award The Liebster Blog Award to 5 bloggers they would like to honour

This award is for anyone with fewer than 200 followers.

The 5 blogs I've chosen to award are:
1. Michelle Flatley for posts which make me laugh out loud (mainly about writing)
Latest post - A Writer's holiday from hell
2. Alison May for passionate posts about writing (and sometimes political issues)
Latest post - Where I get all sci-fi and fantasyish and do a bit of reviewing
3. Margaret Morton Kirk for posts about writing which get everyone talking - see 'Feedback Fear'
Latest post - Parliamo Glasgow or Lost in Translation - how much is too much local colour?
4. Cathy Powell for a taste of Italy
Latest post - Boots n All 30 Day Indie Travel Project - Day 14
5. Clare Wartnaby for interesting posts about writing and useful info about the path to getting published
Latest post - Write Stuff - What's the Big Idea?

1 comment:

  1. Rosemary Gemmell has kindly nominated me for this award as well. Thank you so much Rosemary! Here is the link to Rosemary's post about winning the award with the names of the other 4 bloggers she passed the award to.
