
Tuesday 27 March 2012

Does good weather distract you from writing?

Now that spring is here, it's tempting to skive and enjoy the sunshine. In the U.K. there is the general feeling that when the weather's good it's worth making the most of it as you don't know how long it will last.

Spring brings more distractions from writing than usual. I suddenly feel the need to put on sandals and go for walks, catching the sun on my face. Weeds appear between paving stones in the driveway and in the flowerbeds. By the time I've managed to clear them all, they've grown back again. Lambs' tails drop from the hazelnut tree onto the decking asking to be swept away. The lawn needs to be mown (my husband takes care of that when the lawnmower is working). Foliage quickens the pace at which it grows and has to be cut with secateurs and pushed into compost bags. Washing demands to be pegged to the line. It seems silly to throw it over an airer inside when it can take on the scent of spring in the garden. I wanted to do this today but I couldn't locate the pegs.

The last thing I want to do is sit at a desk when I can see the blue sky through the window. My way around it is to walk somewhere with an exercise book squeezed into my handbag and find a café to sit in. Tree surgeons sawing off branches at a neighbouring house, like they were today is enough to make me do this. This way I get to enjoy the weather and write. Otherwise there are evenings. The house is quiet, it's dark outside and I don't feel that I should be doing stuff around the house. And it means my husband can watch what he wants to on TV (ie. sport!)

Does this weather distract you from writing or do you have any other comments?


  1. Loving the sunshine, but, trying hard to stick to my 'to do' list of writing stuff.
    Taking a notebook outside is a definite, as is an energising walk if only for twenty minutes.
    Make the most of it I say!

    1. Hi Maria, thanks for your comment. I agree-who knows, it may be raining next week!

  2. I find the Spring uplifting and inspiring. It makes me feel I can achieve anything. Open the windows wide, let the outdoors in, and carry on writing.

    1. Hi Susan, thanks for your comment. Spring does inspire-as long as those wasps don't sneak in when you open the windows wide! (had to guide one out of the bathroom window the other day for first time this year)

  3. I think it's the hardest thing to do, turn your back on the good weather and continue with the work in progress. If I need the laptop, I have to be indoors - have not yet worked out how to see it properly when sitting in the garden.

    To help me keep my focus where it should be (on the wip), I keep reminding myself that the good weather will be with us for more than a day, and that I'll be getting even better weather when I'm away - but it's difficult.

    Liz X

    1. Hi Liz, I find it difficult to work on a computer outside. I have done editing on paper at the table on the decking but then pages started flapping around in the breeze and I ended up moving indoors!

  4. I love to sit in the conservatory when the sun shines but I struggle to see my computer screen so if there's serious writing to be done I have to move into the front of the house which is dull and chilly. Not good. I've never managed to write in cafes. I feel to self-conscious.

    1. Hi Rosalind, thanks for your comment. Conservatories are lovely at this time of year. Ours is filled with toys but hope to one day fill it with lovely plants.

    2. I have the exact same bright conservatory v dull rest of house problem. It drives me mad. Just can not see the lap top screen. There must be a solution somewhere.

    3. Hi Sue, thanks for your comment and for following my blog. I enjoyed reading your blog post about adverbs and buttercups yesterday.

  5. Very very difficult to work when the sun's calling like a siren. I've been trying to work in the mornings and then again in the evenings, but reserving the afternoons for outside!

    1. Hi Gilly, thanks for your comment. That's a great idea-think I need to plan my day out more carefully. School runs can get in the way of afternoons for me as I'm continually looking at my watch worrying I may forget!

  6. Once again, I'm spoiled rotten - I can take my laptop out in the back garden and write away to my heart's content. Also, I use the gardening or walking time to allow stories to simmer in my head - so that once I get to sit down, the just flow out of the fingertips.

    Mind - we don't have the "grab the summer for the one week it is here" problem. I know in August it will be far too hot for me to sit out and I'll be here at my desk.

    1. Hi Cameron, thanks for your comment. I agree that gardening and walking are great for mulling over ideas. When I'm in the writing zone, much thinking time is needed as well as time at the computer.

  7. Like Liz Harris, I can't see the laptop screen outside. A notebook in the garden works for me, but I do find, when outside, I tend to daydream more than usual. Lovely descriptions of spring, Anita. I think this is a good point. I tend to write far more in winter, when I'm stuck indoors. I wonder if literary agents get more submissions in certain seasons than others.x

    1. Hi Michelle, thanks for your kind comment. Interesting point re sending to agents-maybe I stand a chance of getting near the top of the slush pile during the Spring and Summer months!

  8. At the moment I can only write in the evenings but I can see it being a problem next year when my youngest daughter goes to nursery and I'm free to write in the day. Sitting in the garden with a book will be far too tempting!

    1. Hi, thanks for your comment. Sitting in the garden with a good book is wonderful (and a glass of Pimms?)

  9. Not for me! I do most of my writing between 7-12, and then I go out and run or stroll around the streets, so I so get to enjoy the day!

    1. Hi Talli, thanks for your comment. I so admire your self-discipline!

  10. Love working in the garden, but usually get in a bit of a pickle trying to balance everything on my knee! Not too happy when bees and wasps try to read over my shoulder though ;)
    Fingers crossed for a sunny summer!

    1. Hi Elle, thanks for your comment. Wouldn't it be lovely to have a decent summer this year?!

  11. The weather can definitely distract me! Fabulous weather can be intoxicating - and limited. Have to enjoy it when we can!

    PS - I had to go and google hazelnut trees to see what a lambs tail would look like! :)

    1. Hi Jemi, Thanks for your comment. I've been enjoying your blog-for anyone reading you can find it at loads of interesting posts about writing by a selection of writers.

      Yes-those lambs' tails are making a right old mess to clear up!

  12. Hello Anita. Thanks for finding/following me. Lucky you. Living in Siena while you wrote your novel. What a dream. I'd like to live in Paris while I finish mine. I wish you all the best for your submissions.

    Looking forward to your posts. Weather? Well, it's usually lovely where I live in Brisbane, Australia, so I can't let good weather distract me.


    1. Hi Denise, thanks for your comment and for following my blog. I lived in Siena in 1994 and started writing the novel a few years ago-always wanted to write about the place as the months I spent there have stayed with me. Paris is another one of my favourite places-so lovely to walk around and stop off at cafes and wander around The Louvre-which I always get lost in!

      I can't imagine what it's like to live in Brisbane-must be great to be able to rely on the weather! Hope to visit Australia one day. Look forward to having a proper read of your blog when get a mo'.

  13. Well, I do prefer writing indoors in autumn/winter, but I try to get out for osme of the time in spring/summer. I don't like the sun much, but blink and you miss it here in Scotland!

    1. Hi Rosemary, thanks for your comment. It's much easier to work when it's cold and dark outside I find!

  14. You bet. I haven't been able to glue my tush to the chair like I should for a few weeks now. And today is another gorgeous day!

  15. Thanks for your comment Carol and for following my blog! The weather's turned a bit grey here now so I think that's our summer over with...

  16. Not really. I think if anything, it inspires me more.

  17. This week I've been so distracted by working in the garden before it gets hot here. I tell myself that I HAVE to garden because I can't do that at night and I'll write at night. But then I don't give my computer the same amount of time I gave the weeds in my garden. I have to find a balance.

  18. Hi Kelly and Julie, thanks for your comments. Julie, those weeds do grow back quickly too!

  19. Being honest I’m easily distracted but yes it is much easier to hide away indoors on cold and gloomy day to write than when the sun shines! So I take a pad and pen with me and write or sit back and give in to the warmth of the sun, I can write when it’s dark – like now! I should be in bed *lol* regards Kay

    1. Hi Kay, thanks for your comment. I write best at night-I think because I don't feel that I should be doing something else instead!

  20. I have a lovely surge of energy in the spring. More energy for everything! It's fantastic to be outside more, but lighter mornings mean I often fit in an extra half hour's writing before I have to leave for work.

    Happy Easter.

    1. Hi Joanne, thanks for your comment and for following my blog. This is a wonderful time of year. Happy Easter to you too!

  21. Hi Anita, Welcome as a recent follower to News From Italy, I am delighted to have you aboard but surprised yo did not choose to follow my Book Review blog as you are a writer. I will follow back and add you to the writers blog roll on the latter.
    Yes I do find the better weather a distraction and spend far less time online in the summer months. However at the moment it is cold and wet here in Italy 8C at the moment, hence here I am!

    1. Hi Lindy, thank you for your comment and for following my blog. Hope the weather in Italy improves soon!

    2. Ps Lindy, I have now located your blog review blog and followed. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll, that's very kind of you. Look forward to reading your blogs properly when I return from France.
