
Thursday 1 November 2012

NaNoWriMo-yes, no or kind of?

I haven't blogged recently due to half term and a streaming cold, which hopefully is on its way out. The photo is from Polesden Lacey in Surrey, one of my favourite places for a walk, especially at this time of year.

Firstly I'd like to wish those writers taking part in NaNoWriMo the best of luck. I won't be taking part, but on Monday when half term ends, I'll be taking part in my own mini NaNoWriMo, aiming for 1000 words per day on Book 2.

I went to Guildford library a couple of weeks ago and found some great books to use for research. Next time I must remember to take a carrier bag and to park a bit closer!  I was pleased to find a biography from the 18th century which includes information I've been searching for. At the moment, I'm using these sources to tighten the plot so I can get on with my own mini NaNoWriMo on Monday. Currently Book 2, 'The Painting' will be set during two time periods: the late 1700s and now. But I may change my mind!

Are you taking part in NaNoWriMo or using it to motivate yourself in some way?


  1. I wasn't going to take part, but couldn't help myself. I'll have to see how well I do, and hopefully it will help me to get on with writing a new book.

  2. Hi, this year I'm doing my own 'putting my writing' first month. My aim is to re-write parts of my novel, and flesh out the characters more. I expect to have added at least 20,000 words.

    Good luck with your plan.

    1. Hi Maria, thanks! Good luck with yours too. I'll look out for your updates on Twitter.x

  3. Hope you feel better for the weekend Anita. I'm editing at the moment, so won't be taking part. I'm really bad at multi-tasking when big writing projects are involved, so I'll keep on with the editing (I'm on a bit of a roll at the moment), but keep up the writing everyone who is participating and good luck.

    1. Thanks Shauna, feel much better this morning. Best of luck with the editing.

  4. Hi Anita, I'm going for it this year, as way of getting a very rough first draft down on paper. I've already got 12,000 words down, so kind of hoping that if I achieve the 50K, I've virtually got a whole draft by December. Then the plan is to edit and polish over next few months to submit to NWS next May - that is the plan or the plot but as a renowned pantser, I'll probably fall off the wagon by Monday. I'd probably be best following your model and just aiming for hte 1,000 words a day, which is more realistic! Glad to hear you're busy on no 2. Hope to see you at Winter party.

    1. Hi Jules, lovely to hear from you! Hope all is well. Best of luck with NaNoWriMo. I've got my ticket to the RNA Winter Party-look forward to seeing you there for a catch up! x

  5. I am like Georgina, I wasn't going to take part but then I ended up opening up my account and putting in the working title and managed to make a good start yesterday with just slightly over 2000 words. My track record isn't great as I have never reached the magic total (and this is my fourth year). Last year's was my favourite effort so far, but unfortunately the file is unreadable so that is 10,000 words lost. Just goes to show how important backing up is, and in more than one place... It is this novel that I am completely re-writing and working on :-) All the best with novel 2 and your own version of NaNo Anita.

    1. Hi Cathy, thanks! Best of luck to you with this year's NaNoWriMo-what a pity you lost all those words last year.x

  6. I'm doing NaNoWriMo. Your plan sounds good too, because even if you aren't "officially" Nanoing, you can still soak up some of the motivational spirit in the blogosphere this month. That's the best thing about Nano for me, because writing can be a pretty lonely business... Good luck!

    1. Hi Stacey, thanks! Best of luck to you. Yes, I'm enjoying reading the blog posts and Twitter/FB updates-must remember to get the writing done first though!

  7. Good luck with your own targets, Anita. I'm doing NaNo purely to stop my terminal procrastination so I can get on with actually finishing another novel/novella or two!

  8. Good luck with your mini NaNoWriMo, Anita, I'll be cheering you on. Part of me wishes I'd signed up because the camaraderie sounds great.
    Glad you're feeling better x

  9. I have signed up for NaNoWriMo for the first time. In fact, I am using it as a way to write my first novel. Big step for a non-fiction essay writer, but I am excited and can already feel the magic happening as I pour out the words. Best of luck with Book 2!

    1. Hi Carol, thank you! Best of luck to you too.

  10. November always ends up being the month of edits for me, so no NaNo here.

  11. You already know how much I love Polesdon Lacey. Hope your writing is going well.
