
Monday 14 January 2013

Do you write in cafés?

Last week, I ordered a new pair of boots online. When I put the boots on for the first time, the zip came off one of them. The choices were: wrap the enormous box in brown paper and take it to the Post Office, then wait for a new pair; or drive to Guildford to exchange them. At first I was fed up because another item had been added to the 'to-do' list. Then I realised it was the perfect excuse to put off post-Christmas housework for a bit longer. When I arrived in Guildford, the shop hadn't opened yet, so I dropped into my favourite café for a cappuccino and two slices of toast with marmalade.

First I tweeted where I was and what I was doing (why do I feel the need to do that?!), then I got my exercise book and pen out of my handbag. In an hour I wrote drafts of two flash fiction paragraphs I planned to send off this week. Then I scribbled thoughts on the scene I'm working on in The Painting. These thoughts gave me the idea to get more books from the library round the corner. After exchanging the boots, I found two hefty biographies about people from the eighteenth century. My writing plan for 2013 will now incorporate: working in a café once a week.

Do you write in cafés?

Wishing you a (belated) Happy New Year!


  1. I write in cafes most days so could really relate to your post :o) I mess about too much at home, and need to be somewhere without the Interntet. The bigger and busier the cafe the better - if it's too quiet I feel self-conscious!

    Happy New Year to you too :o)

  2. Hi Karen, thanks for visiting and for your comment.Yes-busy cafes are usually best! And there needs to be good cake on offer...

  3. Absolutely! Where the only physical distraction is to lift the coffee cup and it doesn't require you to get out of the chair, where the niggling reminder of things undone in the home stay at home, I love working in a cafe because it has a feeling of freedom (unlike working in the library where one expects to work) and yet it is intensely productive.

    Good on you, go out and enjoy the environment and come home with new pieces of work.

    1. Hi Claire, thanks for your comment. Yes, the problem with working at home is the distraction of things which need doing!I found a lovely new cafe today so I'm all set.

  4. Completely identify with that, Anita. I'd hate to miss my weekly writing and coffee morning at my favourite Costa in a busy mall. I get more new writing done there with pen and paper than anywhere else - except on trains which I also love! All the best for 2013.

    1. Hi Rosemary, I like writing with pen and paper when I'm out-somehow I think differently when writing by hand rather than typing. Perhaps this is because it's more difficult to edit as I go along, although I do cross out and amend.

  5. I couldn't bring myself to write in a cafe. I'd be far too self-conscious. Funny though how a minor irritation turned into such a productive outing.

    1. Hi Rosalind, thanks for visiting and for your comment. I'm not sure I could work in all cafes. The best ones are where the staff don't mind how long I sit there for and where I can get a table in the corner.

  6. I've never written in a cafe but it's a good idea when having coffee on your own.I have written while on a boat trip in Turkey and I was so glad I did because when I read it back I had forgotten most of it.

    1. Hi Anne, I can still picture your trip to Turkey because of all those beautiful photos you shared on your blog! Writing on trains is good too, as long as they're not too crowded.

  7. I have always wanted to write in a cafe - there are no distractions and you can just get on with it. But, my laptop is a bit crummy and I spilled ginger ale on the keys a few months back so they don't work too well ... I think once I invest in a swish new PC then I'll definitely give it a go!

    I read a lot in cafes. There is something wonderfully chilled about sitting in a cafe for hours, people watching and reading. It's one of my favourite things to do!

    1. Hi Melissa, thanks for your comment. I write by hand when I'm out-it's good to get away from the computer and sometimes I'm more productive. Reading in cafes is great too, especially on holiday, sitting outside...also love reading on the beach!

  8. Hi Anita
    That sounds like a really productive trip in the end! I've only written in a cafe once I think, but inspired by your post and the comments I think I might give it a go again! I agree though I'd like a table in the corner, and possibly beside a heater!
    Elle xx

    1. Hi Elle, Yes definitely need to be near a radiator at the moment-and it's quite good if don't know anyone in the cafe. Sometimes if I stay too local, I bump into friends etc and feel a bit silly writing away while they're at another table!

  9. I don't usually write in cafes Anita, but I think I should start to do so. I need somewhere without the Internet, although once I get going with my writing I'm pretty good at sticking to it. Once I get going, that is.

    1. Hi Debs, yes-it's getting going that's difficult! You do have your lovely shed though-dream about having one of those...

  10. Found this blog late, Anita!
    I love writing in one particular cafe near us. It's a huge loft type space (located next to hubby's office, helpfully!) it's got lovely big corner sofas & does the best cake...the coffee's not bad either.
    I love writing with pen & paper out too!

    1. Sounds like a great cafe Donna-good cake is essential! Discovered a garden centre cafe the other day with fabulous three layered Victoria Sponge.
